Saturday 27 February 2010

We are complicated when our thoughts are with retroactive effect - Being Human and Growth Pact Through Challenge

So, you're not ready, just because you're a human. Superman and Superwoman are caricatures. I've even monks and spiritual teachers who are men. So, lets start this blog by relaxing in the wonderful recognition that only because you are going through some drama, does not mean you are bad, stupid, clogged, is incorrect, defective or punished. That's crap.

OK, now we have this ridiculous idea of a healthy person always supported in the universe (which isDeepak Chopra marketing program and totally fictional) we can about how to deal with things that come our way, as is proper to speak in the best possible manner.

Firstly, evidence of the escape routes that are available when a person is faced with challenges which, as we made clear is normal and human-to-face.

Escape routes are ways to deny that we are against it called for face, divorced, separated, incompetent, frustrated, sick, overweight, reduce or unbalanced.

There are four flightRoutes people use to avoid upward, the opportunity to challenge. They are generic.

1. Food - this includes not eating enough, all substances such as alcohol, coffee, fatty foods, fast food, fatty foods, sugar, salt, more food, to drugs, medicines and healthy eating. All these provide a false sense of reality when they are taken over, or to avoid the possibility of challenge and that is why they are the fastest growing segment in the consumer society.

2. Greed - theincludes facilities for children, success, wealth, fashion, ideas, business, status, face, ego, identity. Greed is defined if we use the materials around us to present the world a "who we are" - but do not appear as the challenged people, we really are. Greed is not with the wealth of material, but the intention of masking us in the facade of success, wealth, family, children, appearance, thoughts, morals and ethics. Greed is therefore belong to a fanatical commitmentReligion as well as things.

3. Sex - who we bonk, who we can flirt with the primary definition of who we are, when deceived, under the pressure of the challenge that we want, on your own. Fuck someone handsome or beautiful to us may feel that we are actually here on some of the characteristics of that individual, a sense of transmission, and that will reduce all our problems and complaints. Sexual obsession is simply that the intensification of internal complaints and the need for moreIt's for supplies. These include: fliting and fuck.

4. Spirituality - Rarely has a fictional port for the soul, put into question as spirituality. Here, the issue could put the individual will find thousands of ways to avoid the possibility of their grievances through meditation, yoga, philosophy, prayer, austeer practices, weird judgments of the mainstream, and more ... It is without question the greatest bastion for the global lunatics, all masked and adorned in dressesTo reduce complaints.

Why do we choose a replacement - an escape route, and why we should not take advantage of the gifts of golden opportunity for the moments of discomfort in our lives?

1. Marketing.

We sell ourselves to the world, and develop a deep sense of ourselves on the value, based what other people think. Social conditioning would suggest that a person does not mess challenged "a success", and so we end up marketing, we want to make people think we are, not the value of ourown authenticity.

2. Pain

Our body wants pleasure, avoids pain. The more fragile this equation, the less willing to be a person, the chances of the challenge laid down in force. To avoid pain and seek pleasure of consumerism. Everything from drugs to fast food, cars, vacations and dating agencies (eg, prostitution) in search of the body for pleasure and it is fleeing from pain. As we know, there will be no lasting reality, but this seemsaverage slip right over the crowd. Therefore, the escape routes avoiding the pain among those are life itself, happiness, joy, inspiration and true love.

3. Leadership

Everyone leads someone. Leadership in its simplest form is a form of control and power. There are synthetic leadership, as the parents carries on a 14-year-old youth has lost respect for parents. In this case, is the parent inflicts control "like when you under this roof you will find what I say to live."According to this model the "Synthetic leadership, whether at work or at home can not control the individual to let go, can not be in pain for the research result of new awareness, and instead build a shield from the deputy. Real leadership on the other side will bring about the "value" and added value, real value of these leaders must be one step ahead of those they lead. In real terms this is not control, but the constant growth they are too to celebrate everyday frustration,Divorce, challenge, fracture, failure, incompetence. The deeper we go into the dark world of research challenges - the higher we go in the lead.

4. Vision

Without doubt, this is the crème de la crème. When we know no reason to have to face the challenge, not we. When I was 15 my girlfriend left me. I was devastated and went to great extremes to punish the world and prove that I am still a hero. I had no real reason to want that ugly space of mourning or heart hurt face.Simply, I have all four routes and hated them courage, (which is itself hate externalized). Three years later, I had a dream that I would a woman who had changed my life when he met me, "what is possible, Chris?" This old lady and me for a few months, but this time the nature bought me an angel to confront my expectations to be awaken to the possibilities for my lift. When we started, I was heartbroken, I was shocked, and instead of the 15-year-old boy with escape routes, I sat at the end of myBed and wept. I cried tears of pain at first, then I wept tears of gratitude. Rather than avoid the pain, I let it in, let it do it's job and run it even if the time had come. That was a couple of hours took to complete. In contrast, it was only because when I wanted with my life was my authenticity, is not what people think, my dear, how long, not what I wanted people to identify, to me, but the journey I was on. It gave me the courage to feel.

Dealing with Challenge, incompetence,Failure, sadness, disappointment, stress, heart break.

It is normal and human to feel the pain of life, and it is for a man by challenging walk normally. That in fact is the definition, the real, the love of God. Encourage and challenge.

What makes the current events is more difficult to deal with the cumulative effects of the unfinished business from the past.

If we are to use an alternative escape route or to avoid the feeling put into question, or feel better in spite of it, wedo not get rid of the problem or challenge that we actually drive the issue into a large sack and hang the bag over his shoulder for weeks, months, years and life.

Now we say, "Your partner is leaving you" and there is pain. The pain of the event is bad enough, but what happens is that the pain has this event every event from the rest of your life unfinished bundled with it. When you open that bag of worms, and really be taken by a painful challenge to all the things that have been replacedand fled on from your past and jumps.

That's why people are sick. To avoid and prevent and avoid and replace, and the flight until that sack of stuff from her life, she is weighing down so much that they can not even imagine the future. They just turn the "desire to escape my" compensation. But it is never too late to catch up and process.

In an ideal world you are based in the processing of today's challenges of today, and therefore the creation of a future possibility of a free baggage allowance,calling for new, fresh, love and life and promote full.

But the accumulation of yesterday, incomplete yesterday could build - though greed, a huge financial reserve, still means that any challenge will be much bigger than it should be. Making mountains out of mole hills is a human quality, easy to observe accumulated baggage. Ask these questions can be found at:

How long does it take to get over a separation? 1 years, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour, 1Seconds?

How long does it take to process a challenge? 1 hours, 1 minutes?

How long is to grow by incompetence?

How long does it take for the transition from one relationship to the next?

How long does it take until death sad?

How long does it take to recover from a work?

Have to ask these questions and see for yourself that develop in a rapidly changing world, faster and faster as our paradigms, models, religious teachings, therapies and proceduresfallen by the wayside in the handle commercial objectives, and the "old guard" of "we are what we think."

As we grow from challenges, so we do not get stuck carrying out baggage from the past?

Feel, Real Seal, Heal

1. Be Feel - Feel for real

Too many people to be interested after the end of a challenge to solve the mechanical problems and constantly on the bike without checking that the wheels do not fall walkoff over the next hill. Stop, feel, hurt, be real. Ache, cry, cuddle someone, you share your feelings with a trusted third party (not always your partner, and certainly not for someone with whom you work). Treat yourself time to feel the pain and let it hit the spot - in this way, all the old stuff, the blockage of the pipeline's to rinse. (and sometimes beautiful in nature and only away from prying eyes)

2. Real - Feel grateful.

There are many of us who do not want to surrender,We have learned to stand on its own feet and make our own "Rock of Gibraltar." But there is a whole other half of life that is so important for growth on a daily basis, and that is the transfer head space to a higher order. In this room you are loved. Now think religious fanatics is "conditional love", which simply means if they are good they're worth and if they are bad they can not. Kneel really grateful to be mean, the stars and all that glitters, for all the shit, allthe good stuff, all the challenge and support in your life. This is called real feeling and it is always a thank you for the survey on the challenges. No solutions at this stage, only recognition for the excellent opportunity to grow as a person and more to your soul. (more love) in your life

3. Seal - Seal of the escape routes - Wish people well

It is all too easy to blame, logically, get all the moral, all high and mighty when someone nails you on the fence, butThe old story of Jesus in the best Monty Python's Life of Brian recalls. "Let's just look on the bright side of life." The only person who dies young, lose their hair, get saggy breasts and feels exhausted, out of anger and guilt is Angerer, blamer. Wish people well, wish them much, wish them good fortune to be thankful, because no one will and to do more than you own. So someone at the landfill on the outside, it's just nature's way to show you what's going on on the inside. If youTake advantage of the opportunity to grow, is the challenger, in fact, your angel. (Guru)

4. Heal - you grow larger every day - Unlearn

In Asia, as Karma is a pretty standard piece of everyday life. In the West, God's punishment runs subconscious of most people. What it means, in both examples, that if you do something about right and wrong, and something done wrong, even if we have learned it is justified as necessary to be humble, you may win. We proposeus) a new user account (Art as "the conscience of this right and wrong is the truth, included as are indeed the rights and wrongs of social morality, ethics and conduct of religious and social controllers implemented cause in communities, a healthy way to work. Therefore, there is a deeper layer to life than that, what we have learned. For access to the deeper layer, so in love and growing enthusiasm from every challenge, rather than change our behavior, it is wiser to our knowledge will change. In otherWords forget how to. We forget how the Listing 8 columns that are too complex to explain here, but as an overview, we ask what is the advantage of social disadvantages, and what is the social side of his head. As there are two sides to everything and here, we both know, not only half the truth.


All this process takes nothing. We learn from the past, we grow through challenge for one reason and one reason and that is so, can we have more to give.

Give more guidance,give more love to give more happiness to give to better health, more.

For most people give more to get more in line.

But this is a distorted and youthful model of life.

Give more means. How do you go to the pub for a beer, put the glass under the faucet and fill it, but remember you have to turn off the tap and the beer overflows that provides each of the Overflow and runs over and makes her drink on sale . Well, there really is free beer, because it does not fit glass forGlass, individualized and personalized, it is overflow and once the glass is filled, and if there is more, there is no problem with everyone taking what they need, because you have a lot.

So, we fill our hearts with his life, and what is left goes to those who want, want, would love it. It is essential to your next challenge, as when you make your way through it by feeling, real, get seal and heal, you again get back to abundance.

That is why people often struggle withGoal and vision. You ask, "what is best for me" because they stuck in the habit of "never enough" - dissatisfaction.

To find our goal and vision we need to start in place to feel ... I've got everything.

And from this place, and only this point, we are quietly dropping the pen in our hands.

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