Thursday 7 October 2010

Body Language Questionnaire - How to Tell If he likes you

They are attracted to someone? What does body language say? Is he interested in you? How can you say?

Here are ten questions that reveal if his attention and if he wants to get to know you will. Consider the setting, the person's age and culture. These general questions relating to individual men and women. Scoring information at the bottom of the page.

Ten Body Language signs that tell you how he feels

1. He smiles at you. No matter whether you havethe surface or within talking distance, he gives you a smile.

2. He makes eye contact. If he keeps looking up and smiling, he's definitely interested.

3. He moved down. If he does not, but he smiles and holds eye contact, and if you are interested, then move on him.

4. His chest (heart area) facing up. When he talks to you, he is you and not turn away.

5. His toes to show you. If someone comes to talk with him, his toes can stillpointing direction. If he talks to you, but his toes pointing in another direction, he will walk away.

6. They go together rhythmically. When running the two of you somewhere, you do not bump or stumble into each other.

7. His eyes do not follow other women. He looks at you when he speaks.

8. He continues to smile. If you leave the room and then he has a big smile when he sees you. If he does not acknowledge your presence at the back, was probablyis not with you inside.

9. It gives you a full frontal embrace. He does not give you a shoulder hug.

10. He is closer than normal when he talks to you. He leans in to talk to you.

What does body language say? Give yourself one point for each gesture. A score of eight and above means that it promises strong. A score of seven fifty-five means it can be confused about whether you like it or not, or ... They may be confused about his level of interest. And a score of less than fivedoes not look hopeful, which means you do not have to waste your time. Someone wonderful is waiting for you.

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