Tuesday 30 November 2010

How do they ask him for money - 6 Point Guide to Profitable Sugar Daddy Dating

It's all about the right way you should ask him for money or gifts. Rich men are happy, ladies offer their sugar babies, lovers, and they know they should. If for Sugar Daddies is your primary means of income, then read on for six successful relationship tips and mind games can help you with ever longer. Even if you already have a monthly fee, there are ways to add a little to get more.

Important toremember is that you can not obviously about it. You need to set the mood for him to spend the money or buy things from his own free will, maybe it think it is his own idea. Be creative.

1. Show interest in sports car, learn to talk cars, on HP, torque, the latest high-end models.
The intention is obviously to buy him a new car. Would you like to spread a few car magazines on the table when he comes, ask him for advice on the financing of a lease, etc, make jokes car.If he drive a sports car and ask to be thrilled. Keep it up and in a month, take your own right.

2. Show interest in a course or seminar, such as massage, a guitar, creative writing, etc., something you really want.
They want him to get you to pay for the course. Talk to mention it with passion, as a friend, that very well it is envy. If all else fails, watch TV shows on the subject, if he wants to see the football. Make surehe gets the message.

3. Get him to buy a new dress, so he will see better with you
At the end of the day, rich men are driven largely by vanity. He wants to have a bigger house than his neighbor, better car than his colleague at work, pretty girls as his boss the date. To play that angle, but be sure how well does the other man with his date, not how good the woman looks even comment. They want him to envy to get the other guy and then show by showeringYou with expensive gifts that you can carry.

4. Say you miss your relatives who happen to live far away.
You have seen your Aunt Marry for such a long time, I ask you, how much is grown little Jeffrey. Ask him to come with you, chances are he is not interested, but he will buy you a first class ticket to there and back again. Enjoy the ride.

5. Ask him how he manages his money, and how he became so successful
The point is to open him a savings accountfor you and you learn how to invest and reinvest your savings. Most banks offer higher interest rates if your account is higher, you try to get your father to take account of sugar, some money in you so that you will bill for the interest rate higher. Do not forget to correct his knowledge and his experience will inspire you.

6. Learn to speak his language, learn about what he does, his interests and aspirations.
Knowledge is power, here as elsewhere. When he takes off and youmeet his friends, you want more than just sit and do not say anything you want to know what they say. They want to be friends with him to have surprised such a great day.

Friends Link : sugar daddy dating

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